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​The Janet McCorison Revolving Fund

Crown Hill McCorrison Photo.jpg

The Janet McCorison Revolving Fund of Preservation Worcester operates a low-interest loan program for the restoration/renovation of historic properties. 

Loans are structured in an attempt to meet the financial capacities of the applicants.  The property must be located in a historic area, be individually listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or be judged a significant contributor to the city’s architectural landscape. 


Typically, loans up to $25,000 are available for exterior restoration/renovations of owner-occupied structures.  Generally, loans will be at a fixed rate and have a term of five to seven years.

For more information or to apply, please contact Deborah Packard at


Preservation Worcester is a historic preservation
non-profit, founded in 1969; that works towards maintaining significant sights and structures in the city of Worcester. 

“Funding from Mass Humanities has been provided through the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020.”


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61 Harvard Street
Worcester, MA 01609


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Preservation Worcester commits to championing policies and practices of cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, equitable city.  We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. 

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