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The Salisbury House

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During the next five years, we plan to restore the Salisbury House back to its former glory.

Help restore Salisbury House.

Donate today. 

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​In April 2023, Preservation Worcester purchased and moved to the Salisbury House at 61 Harvard Street.   Our purchase ensures that the Salisbury House will be restored - hopefully, in the next five years.  We have just completed the installation of the Salisbury Building Arts Center that will house a preservation trades program.  We conducted slate roof repair and are currently working on repairing and restoring the east façade of the building.  We have a long way to go to return the Salisbury House to her former glory.  With the increasing costs to restore our new home, your support is especially critical.  Please consider a donation.  We hope to see you soon at our new headquarters for programs and events.

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